Friday, May 4, 2012

‘Magic cure' to get rid of your sugar problems; Looking at life through the eyes of Emirati women; Manhunt on after two killed in shootout

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May 05, 2012


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'Magic cure' to get rid of your sugar problems

If you are obese and have diabetes there is a 'magic cure' that gets rid of your sugar problems

Looking at life through the eyes of Emirati women

Work of the seven photographers spans desertscapes, wildlife and traditional architecture



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Exposing Africa's elusive Kony

Among warlord's excesses, his forces have abducted 66,000 children and abused them until they served as soldiers


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J-Hud isn't getting star treatment, court says

Court says J-Hud isn't getting star treatment during the trial of man accused of killing three of her family members


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Bend over backwards to stay fit

Yoga for better health: Kapotasana gives the hips their much-needed exercise to sustain good mobility


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