Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Girl in coma after being beaten by schoolboys; Newborn baby thrown in garbage chute survives fall; Family of five survive on leftovers from weddings

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April 25, 2012


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Girl in coma after being beaten by schoolboys

Assault after 11-year-old Abu Dhabi student Loujain Hussain, who was pushed, tripped and fell over a Grade 4 boy

Newborn baby thrown in garbage chute survives fall

Police arrest Filipina housemaid who tried to kill her baby by throwing him into a rubbish chute



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Buying time in Palestine

Neither Obama nor Abbas will be able to hold back the tide of a third intifada by the oppressed people


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Gruesome crimes in Bollywood: It's all about the money

The recent crimes in showbiz have raised questions over what makes Bollywood wannabes take such extreme steps


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